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作者: 文章来源: 点击数: 373 更新时间:2023/3/13 11:43:23

Sept.22nd ,1926.

Dear Sir,

Your esteemed letter of the 20th instant and Postal Money order for $5.60 to hand with many thanks.

We regret to learn from you that the parcel, we sent you on the 2nd instant has not reached you yet. As we have already reported the matter to the Post Office, we expect to receive a reply from them soon and will not forget to communicate same to you in due course.

As ordered, we have newly posted to you, in one parcel, 750 each of Rositas and Escudo Cigarettes the prices of which are detailed in the enclosed invoice and statement.

Reiterating our thanks and wishing the above a safe arrival.


Yours faithfully







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